讲座题目:Modeling Syntax with Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
主讲人:Francis Bond
Dr. Bond is an Associate Professor at Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences College of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has been working in many countries and universities, such as Australia, USA, Japan, Norway, and Germany. He is an active member of the Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG Initiative (DELPH-IN) and the Global Wordnet Association. His research interests are in the fields of semantics, machine translation, natural language processing and computational lexicography. Professor Bond is skillful at many languages, and takes part in research in the languages of Japanese, Chinese, English, Korean and Malay.
In this talk, Professor Bond will give a brief introduction to Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, presenting some of its theoretical and practice advantages. He will finish by showing how it has been implemented computationally to give a precise yet broad-coverage tool for understanding English, with new grammars being produced for other languages, such as Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese.