讲座题目:Multilingual Intelligent Tutoring and Error Detection Systems
主讲人:Luis Morgado da Costa
Dr. Morgado da Costa is the Research Associate in the Computational Linguistics Lab, Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is a member of DELPH-IN, sharing the communal commitment of open source development of natural language processing tools for deep linguistic processing of natural languages, and of the Global Wordnet Association. He works mainly with English, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese languages, but has also worked with other languages such as Portuguese, Indonesian, Kristang and Abui.
In this talk, Dr. Morgado da Costa will present a new kind of Intelligent Language Tutoring System (ILTS), using deep syntactic parser and semantic based machine translation (MT) for diagnosing and providing explicit feedback on language learners’ errors. In the first part of the talk, he will detail the results of initial experiment, which aimed to provide Automated Writing Support for NTU Engineering Students by using a deep syntactic parser for English. In the second part, he will focus on the design and current state of a Bilingual (English-Mandarin) Interactive Tutor for learners of Mandarin.