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作者:编辑: 审核: 阅读次数:日期:2018年06月19日

The 11th International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics



Dates: June 24-25, 2018 & July 2-3, 2018

LocationRoom 903, College of International Studies, Southwest University, Chongqing, China西南大学外国语学院903学术报告厅





Dates & Location


Herbert L.Colston

9-11am, June 24 CLS, 903

Enhancing Meaning through the Body: The Case of Metaphorical Pragmatic Effects

Herbert L. Colston

3-5pm, June 24 CLS, 903

Figurative Language Acquisition and Embodiment

Herbert L. Colston

4-6pm, June 25 CLS, 903

Pragmatic Effects of Blended Metaphors: Blending Metaphors is Blending Simulations

Sun Chaofen


9-11am, July 3 CLS, 903

Non-specific Degree: Chinese Gradable Adjectives

Sun Chaofen


3-5pm, July 3 CLS, 903

The Pragmatics of 的:我爸爸 and 我的爸爸


Herbert L. Colston is Professor and Chair of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Alberta. Previously, he was a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin–Parkside. Professor Colston has published widely and has edited several books, including Figurative Language Comprehension: Social and Cultural Influences and Irony in Language and Thought: A Cognitive Science Reader. He co-authored Interpreting Figurative Meaning (Cambridge University Press, 2012) with Raymond Gibbs. He has primarily been concerned with figurative/indirect language and its use and comprehension. He is also productive in term of structural influences on language comprehension and function, as well as multimodality and metalinguistic interactions with language comprehension and use. His research interests cover pragmatics, psycholinguistics, figurative language, language development, psychology of language.

孙朝奋,美国斯坦福大学教授,博士生导师,斯坦福大学亚洲语言文学系主任,北京语言大学国家级人才。本科毕业于上海华东师范大学外语系。1984年在美国俄勒冈大学取得语言学硕士学位,之后前往美国康奈尔大学继续攻读语言学,并于1988年取得博士学位。孙教授曾先后在香港城市大学和美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校任教,于1991年至今任教于美国斯坦福大学,教授汉语史、现代汉语、文言文、汉语和文化等课程。孙朝奋教授是学界公认的当代国际知名的汉语语言学家。他在历史语言学、功能语言学 和语言类型学等领域多有建树,尤其是在汉语历史语言学和汉语语法化研究方面有突出贡献,在国际汉语学界产生了深远的影响。他在国外长期从事汉语作为第二语言教学工作,在理论与实践层面作了很多研究和探索,积累了丰富的经验,并出版了许多有影响的论著。

