讲座题目:Using proper and Precise Diction for Clear and Effective Academic Writing: Challenges and Useful Praxes
主讲人:刘迪麟 教授
Dilin Liu (刘迪麟) is Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESOL in the English Department at the University of Alabama, USA. He holds a Ph.D. in English from Oklahoma State University. His research focuses on the description and teaching of English grammar and vocabulary using cognitive- and corpus-linguistic approaches. He has published extensively with over 70 publications, including six books (five authored and one edited) and numerous journal articles and book chapters. His articles have appeared in many different leading journals in linguistics and applied linguistics, including Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, ELT Journal, English for Specific Purposes, English Today, Foreign Language Annals, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of English Linguistics, Language Teaching Research, Modern Language Journal, Research in the Teaching of English, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, TESOL Journal, and TESOL Quarterly. He has served on the editorial boards of ELT Journal, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Lingua, TESOL Quarterly, TESOL Journal, among others, as well as a reviewer for over twenty well-known international journals and book publishers, such as Cambridge University Press, Palgrave-MacMillan, and Routledge. He has also been a frequent invited speaker in the U.S. and many other countries and regions, such as Brazil, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. He is the recipient of several awards/honors, including Oklahoma State University A&S’s Distinguished Alum (2015), University of Alabama A&S’s Distinguished Teaching Fellow (2013-2016), and Oklahoma City University’s Outstanding Faculty Award (2003).
Correct and clear diction (i.e., correct and judicious choice and use of words and phrases) plays a crucial role in effective academic writing. However, using appropriate and precise diction is very challenging for L2 writers. Many studies have shown that incorrect word choices are a common type of L2 writing errors that not only often cause misunderstandings but also prove to be most difficult to address/correct. By using concrete examples and hands-on activities, this speech first discusses the importance and challenges of using clear diction and then introduces some useful praxes for overcoming the challenges to help enhance the use of proper and precise diction in academic writing.