主讲人:李德凤 教授
One question that students learning simultaneous interpreting often have is whether they should look at the speaker or the screen, or both while interpreting. Teachers, Professional interpreters and textbooks generally tell them to look at both the speaker and the screen to make use of cues such as the speaker's body language, the speaker's PowerPoint slides, interactions and dynamics in the room to assist with their interpreting. But students often feel they should focus on the screen because they believe the ppt slides on the screen can help them remember and/or understand what the speaker is saying. At the core of the conflicting answers or suggestions are two questions:
1. Is looking at the speaker or the screen, or both at all helpful in simultaneous interpreting?
2. Is looking at one or the other, or both more helpful?
This talk intends to answer these questions, based on evidence of an eye-tracker experiment we recently conducted on where interpreters look and how their eye fixation patterns correlate with their interpreting performances.
李德凤,世界翻译教育联盟理事长、欧洲翻译学会出版委员会顾问、广东外语外贸大学云山讲座教授。 澳门大学翻译学教授,翻译传译认知研究中心主任, 博士生导师。上海市‘国家级人才计划特聘专家’、中国跨文化与语料库翻译研究会副会长、全国语料库翻译研究会副会长、中国翻译认知研究会副会长、全国MTI教学指导委员会学术委员。 先后担任英国伦敦大学翻译研究中心主任及翻译学教授, 上海交通大学‘星涛湾’讲习教授,山东大学外国语学院院长及翻译学讲座教授,香港中文大学翻译硕士课程主任。此外还先后担任亚太电脑辅助语言学习协会副会长、国际翻译与语言研究学会翻译教学委员会委员等职。 现接受国际著名学术出版社斯伯林格出版集团邀请,主编《译学前沿》(New Frontiers in Translation Studies)系列丛书。