Prof. Fangyun Guo
Dr. Fangyun Guo serves as a professor and Ph.D. advisor at the College of International Studies (CIS) in Southwest University, Chongqing China. He holds several positions, either scholastic or administrative, including Director of the Research Center of Literary Cartography (RCLC) and Director of CIS’s Library and Archive Center. Additionally, he is the Vice Director of the Shakespearean Research Center at Southwest University. Prof. Guo also holds the role of Executive Director of the Shakespeare Association of Chongqing and works as a researcher at the Center for Modern Linguistics and Foreign Language Education on a Chongqing Municipal Level.
Furthermore, Prof. Guo actively contributes to academia as a member of the panel of judges authorized by the Ministry of Education of China (MEC) to review the qualifications of applicants for National Distinguished Scholars. He also serves as a doctoral dissertation evaluator for the Center of China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development.
Prof. Guo’s scholarly articles have been published in prestigious journals, including the Vanguard Paper of Foreign Literature Review, the most authoritative journal of foreign literature studies in China. His outstanding academic performance has been recognized with multiple accolades, such as being twice awarded the National Scholarship Council’s Visiting Scholar and Post-doctorate Program. These awards enabled him to work as a visiting scholar with renowned Shakespearean scholars, Professor Lena Orlin at Georgetown University in 2009 and Professor Richard Burt at the University of Florida in 2016. In addition, he has received the “Academic Conference Award” from the Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) and the Outstanding Teaching Achievement Reward from the Ministry of Education of China. Prof. Guo has also been honored with the High-Quality Reward in Graduate Teaching in Chongqing.
Specializing in spatial literary studies (Literary Cartography) in British and American literature, Prof. Guo has authored over 20 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious academic journals in China, including Foreign Literature Review, Foreign Literature Studies, Foreign Literature, Foreign Literatures, and Foreign Languages and Their Teaching. Notably, 11 of his articles are indexed in CSSCI, and six were published by Foreign Literature Review within an eight-year span. Furthermore, he has successfully hosted four research projects funded by the National Social Science Committee and the Chinese Ministry of Education.
Dr. Guo’s significant contribution to the field is highlighted by the publication of his monograph, Literary Cartography and the establishment of the Research Center of Literary Cartography (RCLC). Literary Cartography, which systematically explores and constructs an ontology and methodology in literary mapping. Published in 2020 by The Commercial Press, the most prestigious scholarly publisher in China, has gained widespread popularity, resulting in two reprints within a year and receiving favorable receptions in scholastic arena. This book was included in the Index of Chinese Translational Fund of Social Sciences in 2022, effectively showcasing the value of this monograph. RCLC, established on April 26th, 2021, and comprising a team of more than 20 professors (including distinguished honorary director Robert T. Tally Jr.), holds the distinction of being China’s inaugural research center dedicated to literary cartography. RCLC’s primary objective is to delve into the intersection of literary studies and cartography, employing a systematic and theoretical approach while constructing a reception model and a criticism paradigm for cartographic poetics. By doing so, RCLC aims to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework and methodology for the field of literary cartographical studies.
Acknowledged as one of the leading scholars in literary cartography in China, Dr. Guo’s works have been featured 11 times on the Official Website of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and reprinted in the Information Center for Social Science of Renmin University of China. These achievements have earned him the distinction of being the Most Indexed Scholar in Humanities twice. His research is highly regarded by peer reviewers and cited in esteemed publications such as Social Sciences in China, the premier domestic journal in humanities. His remarkable accomplishments have attracted the attention of mainstream Chinese media, including the official website of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and CETV (China Education Television), both of which have dedicated special reports to his research and achievements.
For inquiries and correspondence, please contact Prof. Fangyun Guo via email at davyguo@swu.edu.cn.
郭方云,教授,博导。西南大学文学地图学研究中心主任、外国语学院外语图书馆与档案中心主任,重庆市莎士比亚研究会副会长,重庆市重点文科研究基地“外国语言学与外语教育研究中心”研究员。国家级权威期刊《外国文学评论》连续两期刊首论文的作者,中华学术外译书目入选者,中国社会科学院官网学术论文的作者,国家社科基金以及省部级课题多个项目的主持,国家留学基金委“国家公派访问学者(含博士后研究)项目”的获得者,中国人民大学人文社科学术成果评价中心“复印报刊资料重要转载来源作者”。美国乔治城大学和佛罗里达大学英语系访问学者(合作导师分别为美国莎协执行会长Lena Orlin、国际著名莎士比亚学者Richard Burt),“美国莎士比亚协会”(Shakespeare Association of America) “学术会议奖”的获得者;国家级教学成果奖的获得者,重庆市研究生优质课程的主讲人,高教出版社《研究生英语自主阅读》的副主编。博士生招生方向为 “文艺复兴英国文学”“英国浪漫主义文学”“二十世纪英美文学”“比较文学与世界文学”,硕士生招生方向为“英美文学”、文学翻译。
10余年来,在商务印书馆出版基础理论专著1部,参编Palgrave MacMillan文学空间研究1部,在《外国文学评论》、《外国文学研究》、《外国文学》、《国外文学》、《外语与外语教学》等国内专业学术刊物上发表学术论文近30篇,其中CSSCI论文17篇,包括6篇学科级期刊论文、11篇重要专业期刊论文。主持主研国家、省部级科研基金项目11项,出版学术专著或教材等1部。成果11次被中国社会科学院官网和人大书报资料中心等权威学术媒体全文收录,部分成果被《中国社会科学》等国家级学术期刊引用,中国社会科学网、中国教育电视台官网及“今日头条”官网等主流大众媒体也对部分成果进行了后续报道或转载。
1. 多家顶级学术期刊审稿专家
2. 重庆市莎士比亚研究会副会长
3. 西南大学文学地图学研究中心主任。
1. 莎士比亚戏剧等文艺复兴英国文学
2. 英国浪漫主义诗歌
3. 英美现代主义诗歌
4. 英美小说
1. 学术论文写作(英语专业研究生)
2. 浪漫主义(英语专业研究生)
3. 英美文学空间诗学(英语专业博士生)
4. 学术论文写作(学术型博士研究生)
5. 研究生英语(一外)

1. 专著《文学地图学》入选“2022年度国家社科基金中华学术外译项目推荐书目”(2022)
2. 重庆市期刊协会论文一等奖(2021)
3. 西南大学2020年度特级著作奖(2021,全校6本专著入选)
4. 连续两届人大“复印报刊资料重要转载来源作者”(2016、2019)
5. “重庆市莎剧表演大赛”指导教师一等奖(2016)
6. “学术会议奖”,美国莎士比亚协会 (Shakespeare Association of America,2010)
7. “大学英语教学改革——ABCDE教学模式探索与实践”,国家级教学成果二等奖(2009)
8. “重庆市研究生优质课程”,重庆市教育委员会(2009)
9. “优秀毕业论文”,西南师范大学(2004)
10. “优秀硕士毕业生”,西南师范大学(2004)
联系方式:重庆市北碚区天生路2号 西南大学外国语学院