Meng Fanjun, male, was born in Zhucheng County, Shandong Province in May, 1966. In July, 1991, he graduated as a bachelor of arts from Shandong Normal University. In July, 1996, he graduated as a master of arts from Shandong University. In July, 2006, he graduated as a doctor of literature from Peking University. From August, 2006, to December, 2008, he was engaged in the post-doctoral researches in Beijing Normal University. At present, he works as a professor in College of International Studies, Southwest University.
5.Cultural Reflection upon the Present Translation Studies in Asia(学术论文),于2007年4月中旬在印尼召开的亚洲翻译家论坛上宣读。
7.Turn, Surpass, and Return: Theoretical Reflection of the Theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection(学术论文《转向•超越•回归——翻译适应选择论的理论评析》的英语译文),2008年5月被国际学术网站http://www.languageinternational.com收录
I. His Main Academic Achievements
1.On Crisis and Breakthrough of the Modern Chinese Poetry(J),Young Thinkers, 1998(4);
2.Influence of Traditional Chinese Cultural Evolution upon the Translation Studies in China(J),Chinese Translators Journal,2002(2);
3.On Cultural Tradition in Western Translation Studies(J),Chinese Translators Journal,2005(3);
4.On Translation Studies in the Background of China-West Academic Integrity(J),Foreign Languages and Foreign Language Teaching,2005 (10);
5.Cultural Reflection upon the Present Translation Studies in Asia(J),Forum of Asian Translators,2007;
6.On the latest Turn of Translation Studies in the Post-Postmodernism Period(J),The Cross-Strait Symposium on Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication, Macau, 2007;
7.Turn, Surpass, and Return: Theoretical Reflection of the Theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection(J), adopted inhttp://www.languageinternational.com,2008.
8.On Succession and Innovation of Eco-translatology in Translation Studies(J),Changes and Expansion of Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication—A Collection of Theses for the 3rdCross-Strait Symposium on Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication,Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2010;
9.On the Latest Development of Eco-Translatological Theory—A Review of the First International Symposium on Eco-Translatology(No. 3 co-author),Chinese Transaltors Journal,2011(1);
10.On Conclusion, Reflection and Exploration—A Review of the 2ndInternational Symposium on Eco-Translatology(No. 2 co-author),Chinese Transaltors Journal,2012(2);
11.On Cross-Cultural Difference of Ethical Thoughts by Confucius(J),New Perspectives of Humanity Studies, 2011(6);
12.On Cross-Time Difference of Ethical Thoughts by Confucius(J),New Perspectives of Humanity Studies, 2011(6);
13.On Cultural Subjectivity in Modern Translation Studies of China(J),English Language Studies, 2013(4).
2.Three-Character Canon(英译《三字经》),2007年由外研社出版。
3.《扬子江上的美国佬》(A Yankee on the Yangtze River)(与晏奎、孙继成合译,本人为第二译者),2008年由山东画报出版社出版。
4.Chinese Stone Carvings(译自王洪震著《汉画像石》),北京:新世界出版社,2011年3月。
5.《雅典的泰门》(译自莎士比亚悲剧The Life of Timon of Athens),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015年7月;
6.《理查二世》(译自莎士比亚历史剧The Life and Death of Richard the Second),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2016年1月;
7.《理查三世》(译自莎士比亚历史剧The Tragedy of Richard the Third),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2016年1月;
8.《亨利八世》(译自莎士比亚历史剧The Famous History of the Life of Henry the Eighth),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2016年1月;
9.Elegy of a River Shaman(译自方棋著长篇小说《最后的巫歌》,与美国学者Norman Harry Rothschild合译),美国:Mervin Asia出版社,2016年8月。
II. The Main Versions
1. The Chinese version ofOn Beauty of the Heavenby E. Spencer, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2005;
2.Three-Character Canon(The English version of《三字经》), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2007;
3. The Chinese version ofA Yankee on the Yangtze River(No. 2 co-author), Jinan: Shandong Pictorial Press, 2008;
4.Chinese Stone Carvings((The English version of《汉画像石》by Wang Hongzhen), Beijing: New World Press, 2011;
5. The Chinese version ofThe Life of Timon of Athensby William Shakespeare, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2015;
6. The Chinese version ofThe Life and Death of Richard the Secondby William Shakespeare, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2016;
7. The Chinese version ofThe Tragedy of Richard the Thirdby William Shakespeare, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2016;
8. The Chinese version ofThe Famous History of the Life of Henry the Eighthby William Shakespeare, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2016;
9.Elegy of a River Shaman(The English version of《最后的巫歌》by Fang Qi)(co-author with Norman Harry Rothschild), Hawaii: Mervin Asia Press, 2016.
6.2011年11月,在上海参加第二届国际生态翻译学研讨会,并作了题为Inquiry on Traditional Differences in Translation Studies between China and West的大会主题报告。
III. The Main Academic Symposiums Participated
1. In April, 2007, The Fifth Forum of the Asian Translators held in Indonesia, with the publication of a thesis;
2. In November, 2008, The Second Cross-Strait Symposium on Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication, with the publication of a thesis;
3. In January, 2009, The Third Cross-Strait Symposium on Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication, with the publication of a thesis;
4. In November, 2010, The Sixth Forum of the Asian Translators held in Macau, with the publication of a thesis;
5. In November, 2010, The First International Symposium for Eco-Translatoloogical Researches held in Macau, with a keynote report in the symposium titledOn Tradition of Translation Studies in China and West from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology;
6. In November, 2011, The First International Symposium for Eco-Translatoloogical Researches held in Shanghai, with a keynote report in the symposium titledInquiry on Traditional Differences in Translation Studies between China and West;
7. In November, 2011, The Ninth Annual Meeting of Translation Studies in Chongqing, with a keynote report in the symposium titledOn Two Dimensions in Translation Criticism;
8. In November, 2012, The Third International Symposium on Eco-Translational Researches in Southwest University, Chongqing, with a keynote report in the symposium titledOn Metaphysical Exploration of Translational Eco-System;
9. In December, 2012, The Tenth Annual Meeting on Translation Studies in Chongqing, with a keynote report in the meeting titledOn Misinterpretation of Chinese Translational Thoughts in Western Lingual Context;
10. In September, 2013, The Fifth Cross-Strait Symposium on Translation Studies and Cross-Cultural Communications/The Fourth International Symposium on Eco-Translatological Researches in Mid-China Normal University, Wuhan, with a keynote report in the meeting titledOn Noumenon, Phenomenon and Application of Eco-Translatology--Philosophical Reflection of Theoretical Construction of Eco-Translatology;
11. In May, 2014, All-China Symposium on Shakespeare & the Annual Meeting of Shakespearean Studies of China Foreign Literature Society in Nanjing University, with the academic report titledOn Noumenon, Phenomenon and Commonness of Shakespeare—The Strategies in Translating Shakespearean Dramas from the Perspective of Meta-Translatology;
12. In September, 2014, The Fourth Annual Meeting of China English Poetry Society & Symposium on Themes and Forms of Modern English Poetry in Southwest University, Chongqing, with an academic report titledOn Translation of English Poetry from the Viewpoint of Verse Translation by Wu Mi: With the Translation of Shakespearean Sonnets as an Example;
13. In October, 2014, The Tenth Annual Meeting of Chongqing Translation Society in Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, with a keynote report in the meeting titledOn Three-Dimensional Unity in Translation Studies—With a Special Reflection of the Latest Development of Translation Studies;
14. In October, 2014, The Sixth International Forum on I-Ching Application and Economic Development in Beijing, with a special report titledOn Metaphysical Interpretation of Zhouyi in the Original Context;
15. In April, 2015, The First National Summit Forum on Classics in Southwest University, Chongqing, with a report titledOn Cultural Perspective of the Classic Studies;
16. In December, 2015, The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of Chongqing Translation Association in Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing, with a report titledOn Tragedies of Cultural Transplantation in English Translation of Chinese Classics;
17. In April, 2016, The Ninth Annual Meeting of Chongqing Shakespeare Study Association and A Conference in Memory of 452 Anniversary of Shakespeare in Southwest University, Chongqing, with a keynote report in the meeting titledOn Cultural Transplantation in Sino-Domestication of Shakespeare;
18. In May, 2016, The First Doctorial Forum in China on Eco-Translatology in , with a keynote report in the forum titledOn Academic Position of Eco-Transaltology in Development of Translation Studies in China and West;
19. In September, 2017, The Ninth National Symposium on Translatological Dictionary and Translation Theory in Shaanxi Normal University, with a keynote report in the symposium titledOn Symbolic and Numerical Thinking in English Translation of Chinese Classics;
20. In October, 2017, The Seventh Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macau Symposium on Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication in Zhengzhou University, Henan, with a keynote report in the symposium titledOn Reconstruction of Translational Eco-System—With the English Version of Hongloumeng as an Example;
21. In December, 2017, 2017 Annual Meeting of Translatology Committee of Shandong Foreign Linguistics Association in Jinan, with a keynote report in the meeting titledOn Reconstruction of Eco-Translatological Theoretical System;
IV. The Man Social Science Fund Research Projects Participated
1. In May, 2008, the key national social science fund research project titledResearches on Myths and Epics of Foreign Countries in Ancient Time(Project registering number: 03AWW001; with the chief researcher as Professor Gu Zhengkun; my assignment isThe Researches on Myths of Ancient Egypt. The academic project has been completed, and my writings account for 30000 characters).
2. In March, 2009, the project with SWU Philosophy and Social Science Research Fund titledOn Differance of Confucianism in the Process of Internationalization—The Studies on Development of Confucianism in the Perspective of Translatology; the project registering number: SWU0909003.
V. The Text Book Compilation Participated
1. In 2002, participated in the seven-unit compilation, comment and note explanation ofSelected Readings of Western Philosophical Classics(English edition), with Professor Gu Zhengkun as the chief researcher.
2. In 2004, participated in the compilation of “Series of Selective Studies on High School English” presided by the Ministry of Education of China, and I had the assignment of from Unit 5 to Unit 10 (totally ten Units) ofA Text Book of Chinese-English Translationfor High School Students, with a main compiler of Professor Gu Zhengkun.
VI. The Main Positions in Social Organs
1. Director if Institute of Translation Studies, College of International Studies, Southwest University;
2. Secretary general of the Translation Center, Southwest University;
3. Researcher of The Institute for the Studies of Latin Classics;
4. Dean of Confucius-Aristotle Classic School;
5. Standing Director of International Researching Association of Eco-Translatology;
6. Director of the International Sino-West Cultural Comparative Studies association;
7. Director of the International Zhouyi Research Association;
8. Director of Shakespeare Research Association of China’s Foreign Literature Research Association;
9. Director of Translatology Association of Chongqing;
10. Director of Shakespeare Research Association of Chongqing;
11. Researcher of National Studies of Chongqing University of Technology;
12. Tutor for Sinology Promotion and Teaching Cultivation for Pre-Working Training Program of “Teach for China”
13. Guest Professor of College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Weifang College.
VII. Main Courses I have taken
1. English-Chinese Translation;
2. Translation Theory;
3. Criticism and Appreciation of Translation;
4. Translation history;
5. Translation of Classics;
6. Comparison of the Chinese and Western Cultures;
7. Interpretation of the Classics of Both China and West.
VIII. Main Interest in Academic Studies
1. Comparative Cultural Studies;
2. Translatology.
IX. The Main Rewards Acquired
1. In 1999, in the selection of excellent papers held by Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, my paper titledOn Crisis and Breakthrough of the Modern Chinese Poetrywas entitled as the second-class reward, with a certificate of rewards, and the paper was preserved in the academy;
2. In the academic year of 2002-2003, in theChallenge CupCompetition of academic theses held in Peking University, my paper titledInfluence of Traditional Chinese Cultural Evolution upon the Translation Studies in Chinawas entitled as the second-class reward, with a reward certificate.