彭水香,西南大学外国语学院教授,博士,博士后,硕士生导师,剑桥大学访问学者。主要研究方向为英美文学、跨文化与跨文明、文艺美学、文学翻译研究,主持国家社科基金项目2项,主持国家级、省部级和校级等科研项目十余项,参研国家社科基金等项目多项,在在《外语教学与研究》(CSSCI来源期刊)、Humanities and Social Sciences Communications(SSCI和A&HCI来源期刊)等处发表论文二十余篇,出版专著一部,教材一部,译著一部,专著《美国分析美学研究》获重庆市社会科学界联合会、重庆市人民政府、重庆市人力资源和社会保障局联合颁布的重庆市社会科学优秀成果奖。
2016年2月至2017年1月 赴英国剑桥大学大学访学。
(1)The implication of the illness metaphors of In America: Mitigating negative effects of metaphors through illness narratives in the postpandemic era of COVID-19.Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.2024.6.
(3)Individualism and Universalism in Pound’s Poetics. Studies in Literature and Language.,2015.
(4)On Ezra Pound’s Aesthetic Identity with Classical Chinese Poetry. Studies in Literature and Language,2015.
(5)On Aesthetic Conception Of The Ontological Foundation Of Classical Chinese Literature, Asian Journal of Social Science & Humanities,2014.
(6)On the Aestheticization of Chinese ethic culture, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2014.
(7)Being and Aesthetic: Poetic Wisdom as The Manifestation of A Culture's Power to Live,Asian Journal of Social Science & Humanities,2014.
(11)“体验经济时代的网媒与审美文化”.《新闻爱好者》 2011年(11).
(12)《教学反思势在必行——高校教师教学惰性批判》载《大学课堂教学方法研究》西南师范大学出版社.2007年. ……
《美国分析美学研究》 (专著),科学出版社,2018年3月。
2016 参编“新目标大学英语系列教材”之《人文社科英语教程》教师、学生用书各1套;
(1)2012主持西南大学博士基金项目“《美学与艺术批评杂志》与美国分析美学研究”( SWU1209342)(已结项);
Peng Shuixiang, PhD, is associate professor and supervisor for MA students in College of International Studies, Southwest University, China. Her major fields of study are British and American Literature, Cross-cultural Studies, Literary Aesthetics, Literary Translation. She has presided over ten scientific research projects, which include national, provincial and university levels, and published one monograph and more than twentyarticles in prestigious journals at home and abroad.
Education and Work Experience:
July 1996 to June 2000: Undergraduate at Sichuan International Studies University, received Bachelor’s degree of Arts
July 2000 to June 2002: High school English teacher of Chongqing Songshuqiao Middle School
July 2002 to June 2005: Postgraduate at Sichuan International Studies University, received Master’s degree of Arts
July 2005 to Now: Teacher of College of International Studies, Southwest University
July 2007 to July 2012: Postgraduate at College of Liberal Arts, Southwest University, received Ph.D. in Aesthetics
January 2015 to December 2018: Postdoctoral fellow at College of International Studies, Southwest University
February 2016 to January 2017: An academic visitor at the English Faculty, the University of Cambridge.
Undergraduate Courses: Reading, Writing and Translation; Viewing, Listening and Speaking; Intermediate English Writing; Advanced English Writing; Selected Readings from Western Intellectual Tradition.
Postgraduate Courses: Writing and Translation for Academic Purpose.
Publications (Monograph)
American Analytic Aesthetics, published by Science Press, Mar. 2018.
Publications (Textbook)
In 2016, she participated in the compilation of Reading in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Student’s Book and Teacher’s Book) which belongs to the New Target College English series.
Publications (Translation)
In 2007, she participated in the translation of the book The Insect Societies, published by Chongqing Publishing House.
Presided Research Projects:
(1) 2012: The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism and American Analytic Aesthetics, funded by a Ph.D. und project (Southwest University) (Grant No. SWU1209342) .
(2) 2013 : American Analytic Aesthetics: International Comparison and Reference of Chinese Cultural Inheritance and Innovation, funded by the Provincial Social Science Planning Project of Chongqing(Grant No. 2013YBWX088) .
(3) 2014: Linguistic Turn: Case Study of American Analytical Aesthetics, funded by the Fundamental Research Project for Central Universities.(Grant No.SWU1400167)
(4) 2014: College English Writing Course and the Cultivation of Students’ Innovative Ability, Southwest University Teaching Reform Project (Grant No.2014JY021) .
(5) 2015: On the Cultural Divergence and Convergence of Pound’s Innovative Translation of Chinese Classics, funded by Chongqing Postdoctoral project. (Grant No. Xm2015114)
(6) 2015: American Analytic Aesthetics, a national fund programme for Social Sciences Humanities.(Grant No.15FZX037)
(7) 2016: On Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy and Pound’s Innovative Translation of Chinese Classics, a China postdoctoral Science Foundation funded Project.( Grant No. 2016M590849)
(8) 2016-2017 : On the Civilization Orientation of Pound’s Innovative Translation of Chinese Classics, a project funded by China Scholarship Council.(Grant No. 201506995052)
(9) 2017: Rectification of Name: New Universal Civilization -- Pound’s Innovative Translation of Chinese Classics, funded by the National Science Foundation for Post-doctoral Scientists of China (Grant No. 2017T100666).
(10) 2018: On Pound’s Innovative Translation of Chinese Ancient Literature, funded by Late-stage Projects of the National Social Science Fund.(Grant No. 18FWWW004)
(11) 2022: Time and Ethics in Ezra Pound’s Poetry, funded by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. SWU2209233)
(12)2023:Exploring the Ideological and Political Education Model in College
English Courses from the Perspective of National Strategy: A Case Study of the "Introduction to Chinese Culture" Course at Our University (A Key Project in the Category of Comprehensive Ideological and Political Education), funded byChongqing Municipal Education Commission.
1. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism and American Analytic Aesthetics[D], awarded excellent doctoral dissertation in Chongqing, Dec. 2014.
2. “Shakespeare’s Hamlet Image and the Essence of Contemporary Art” won the second prize in the “2013 Shakespeare Essay Contest of Chongqing Shakespeare Research Association” .
3.American Analytic Aestheticswas awarded the Third Prize of the 11th Chongqing Outstanding Social Science Achievement Award in December 2022, jointly issued by the Chongqing Federation of Social Sciences, Chongqing Municipal Government Development Research Center, and Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.
Mailing Addressing : College of International Studies, Southwest University, No. 2 Tiansheng Road, Beibei District, Chongqing.
Postal Code: 400715
E-mail : 2238837133@qq.com