Christopher Glyn Sinha,东安格利亚大学政治、哲学、语言交流研究学院的名誉教授,曾在巴西、中国、英国等国家教授心理学、语言学等课程。他受邀参加了38次国际会议并做大会报告或发表主持发言,并在许多研究生院和研究学院任教。曾任英国认知语言学协会和国际认知语言学协会主席,是Language and Cognition创编总编。目前他已出版3本专著,编著4卷,和其他学者共同编辑了5辑期刊专刊或系列专著特刊,发表了130余篇论文,重要评论、书评、翻译、专著导论等共27篇,非评论类文章40篇,撰写了54部专著中的部分章节,此外还包括教材、工作文件、会议记录等30余篇。主要研究兴趣为人类学、语言学、教育学、进化生物学、连接科学、发展与文化心理学等学科。
Chris Sinha is Honorary Professor at the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language Communication Studies, University of East Anglia. Chris has taught in Departments of Education, Psychology, and Language and Communication, in Brazil, China, Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, India, and Sweden, including three positions at Faculty full professor rank. He is an experienced lecturer at international conferences and workshops (including 38 keynote and plenary lectures at international conferences). He is Past President of the UK Cognitive Linguistics Association and of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association; Founding General Editor (2009-2016) of the journal Language and Cognition. He has published 3 academic monographs, 4 edited monographs, and jointly edited 5 special series of journal or monographs with other scholars, and he published over 130 papers, 27 critical reviews and translation, 54 chapters of monographs, over 30 textbooks and working papers. His research focuses on anthropology, linguistics, education, evolutionary biology, connection science, and developmental and cultural psychology.
专著Authored Monographs
2017 Sinha, C. Ten Lectures on Language, Culture and Mind. Cultural, developmental and evolutionary perspectives in cognitive linguistics. Boston and Leiden, Brill. x + 180 pp.
2010 Sinha C. Languages, Culture and Mind. 10 lectures on development, evolution and cognitive linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Xxi + 287 pp.
1988 Sinha, C. Language and Representation: A Socio-Naturalistic Approach to Human Development. Hemel Hempstead, Harvester-Wheatsheaf & New York, New York University Press, xix + 235 pp. (Second extended edition in preparation, under contract with Equinox Publishers).
主编特刊Edited volumes/journal special issues
2021 Lock, A., Sinha, C. and Gontier, N. The Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oxford Handbooks Online, March 2021. https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198813781.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780198813781
2015 Lenninger, S., Sinha, C. and Sonesson, G. (Eds.) Semiotics and Cognition in Human Development. Special issue of Cognitive Development. Vol. 36 pp. 127-209.
2008 Zlatev, J., Racine, T., Sinha, C. and Itkonen, I. (Eds.) The Shared Mind. Perspectives on Intersubjectivity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Xiii + 391 pp.
1999 Hiraga, M., Sinha, C. and Wilcox, S. (Eds.) Cognitive Linguistics: Cultural, Psychological and Typological Issues. Proceedings of the Fourth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, vol. 3. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins. Vii + 338 pp.
1995 Sinha C. (Ed.) Spatial Language and Cognition 1 & 2, Special Triple Issue of Cognitive Linguistics 6: 1-309 (309 pp.)
代表性期刊论文/Journal articles (selected)
Submitted (2022) Sinha, C. and Silva Sinha, V. da Time and events—In language, mind and world.
Submitted (2022) Yang, Y., Sinha, C., Filipovic, L. Sequential time construal is primary in temporal uses of Mandarin Chinese qian ‘front’ and hou ‘back’
2019 Lu, M., van de Weijer, J., Sinha, C. and Liu, Z. Optional ergative marking in Tujia. Lingua 223 46-66. doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2019.02.011
2018 Sinha, C. Praxis, symbol and language: developmental, ecological and linguistic issues. Interaction Studies 19: 1-2, 239-255. doi: 10.1075/is.17025.sin
2018 Arbib, M.A. & 20 others including C. Sinha. The Comparative Neuroprimatology 2017 (CNP-2017) road map for research on how the brain got language. Interaction Studies 19: 1-2 (2018), 370-387. doi: 10.1075/is.18013.arb
2017 Silva Sinha, V. da, Sampaio, W. and Sinha, C. The many ways to count the world: counting terms in indigenous languages and cultures of Rondônia, Brazil. Brief Encounters 1.1 DOI: h9p://dx.doi.org/10.24134/be.v1i1
2015 Sinha, C. Ontogenesis, semiosis and the epigenetic dynamics of biocultural niche construction. Cognitive Development 36: 202-209. DOI: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2015.09.006
2015 Sinha, C. Language and other artifacts: socio-cultural dynamics of niche construction. Frontiers in Psychology (Cognitive Science) 6: 1601. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01601
2015 Sinha, C., & Bernárdez, E. Espaço, tempo e espaço-tempo: metáforas, mapas e fusões. Revista Brasileira de Linguística Antropológica 7: 53-77.
2014 Sinha, C. and Gärdenfors, P. Time, space and events in language and cognition: a comparative view. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1326: 72-81. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12491
2013 Sinha, C. Niche construction, too, unifies praxis and symbolization. Commentary on Michael Arbib: How the brain got language. Language and Cognition 5: 261-271. DOI 10.1515/langcog-2013-0019
2012 Sinha, C. Commentary on João Queiroz: The semiotic evolution of toolmaking: the role of symbols for work towards delayed reward. Intellectica 2012/2 (58): 295-296.
2011 Sinha, C., Silva Sinha, V. da, Zinken, J. and Sampaio, W. When time is not space: The social and linguistic construction of time intervals and temporal event relations in an Amazonian culture. Language and Cognition 3(1), 137-169. DOI 10.1515/langcog.2011.006
2009 Sinha, C. Objects in a storied world: materiality, narrativity and normativity. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 16 (6-8): 167-190.
编撰章节Research and Overview Chapters in edited volumes(selected)
2022 (in press) Sinha, C. Metaphor, myth and symbol in the grain of time. In Nathalie Gontier, Andy Lock, and Chris Sinha (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution (online edition) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2021 Sinha, C. Artefacts, symbols, and the socio-cultural dynamics of niche construction. In Nathalie Gontier, Andy Lock, and Chris Sinha (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution (online edition) Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198813781.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780198813781-e-15
2021 Sinha, C. Culture in language and cognition. In Wen, X., & Taylor, J.R. (Eds.). (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. New York, Routledge, pp. 387-407. www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9781351034708/routledge-handbook-cognitive-linguistics-xu-wen-john-taylor
2020 Sinha, C. Praxis, symbol and language: developmental, ecological and linguistic issues. In Michael Arbib (ed.) How the Brain Got Language – Towards a New Road Map. Amsterdam, John Benjamins. Benjamins Current Topics 112, pp. 239-255. DOI 10.1075/bct.112.16sin
2020 Arbib, M.A. & 20 others including C. Sinha. The Comparative Neuroprimatology 2017 (CNP-2017) road map for research on how the brain got language. In Michael Arbib (ed.) How the Brain Got Language – Towards a New Road Map. Amsterdam, John Benjamins. Benjamins Current Topics 112, pp. 370-387. DOI 10.1075/bct.112.23arb
2020 Grinevald, C. and Sinha, C. (in press) North-South relations in linguistic science: collaboration or colonialism? In Luna Filipovic and Martin Pütz (eds.) Endangered Languages and Languages in Danger: Issues of documentation, policy and language rights. IMPACT Series 42: Studies in Language and Society. Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 27-43. Reprinted.
2020 Sampaio, W., Silva Sinha, V. da and Sinha, C. (in press). Embodiment, personification, identity: Metaphor and world view in a Brazilian Tupian culture and language. In Vera da Silva Sinha, Ana Moreno Núñez and Zhen Tian (eds.) Signs of Life: Changes and Continuity in Language, Culture and Identity. Series Cognitive Linguistics Studies in Cultural Contexts. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
2019 Sinha, C. “Appealing rhetorics: Ideology and argumentation.” In Maier, R. (Ed.) Norms in Argumentation. Proceedings of the Conference on Norms 1988. Studies of Argumentation in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, 8. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Reprinted. https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/60409