Sune Vork Steffensen is Professor of Interpersonal Communication and Cognition at the University of Southern Denmark. Having written a PhD in linguistics at University of Aarhus, he took up his current position at the University of Southern Denmark in 2008. In 2012 he became the founding director of the Centre for Human Interactivity, which investigates how language, social organization, and cognition intersect in complex social and dialogical systems. His research interests include: interaction and interactivity; ecological, dialogical and distributed approaches to language and interaction; the functioning of cognitive ecosystems. He has pioneered the Cognitive Event Analysis, a qualitative method for studying distributed cognitive processes in cognitive systems consisting of individuals, dyads or teams, working in complex social and material environments. In recent years, he has co-edited volumes on dialectical linguistics (Continuum, 2007), biosemiotics and health interaction (Braga University Press, 2010), the distributed dynamics of language (Language Sciences, 2012), and ecolinguistics (Language Sciences, 2014). Since July 2015 he has been acting as Editor in Chief of the journal Language Sciences.