陈燕,女,硕士,副教授,毕业于西南师范大学外语系,2008年获西南大学英语语言文学硕士学位。主要从事基础英语教学和技术支持的英语教学研究,1996年获重庆市首届英语专业教师讲课比赛三等奖。2004年晋升为副教授。担任过大学英语、农业推广硕士研究生班英语、英语口语、英语语音、综合英语、高级英语、英语听力、英语视听说等课程的教学。2007年7月至8月赴加拿大York University参加为期两月的英语教师培训项目学习,2013年9月至2014年8月美国Texas A & M University访学。
1.2015年,A Survey Study: The Correlation between Introversion/Extroversion and Oral English Learning,Journal of Language Teaching and Research, ISSN 1798-4769 Volume 6, Number 3.
2.2014年, 职前外语教师整合ICT的学科教学能力的研究,《外语界》。
3. 2013年, An Exploratory Study of Employing Blogs as a Platform for English Learning Beyond the Classroom,12nd International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET),2014年EI收录。
4.2012年,Integration of ICTs into Subject Teaching in Pre-service English Teacher Education,11th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET),2012年EI收录。
5. 2004年,文化对句型的影响-----中英文句型的对比分析Culture’s Influence on Syntactic Structure,《西南农业大学学报》社科版。
6.2003年,A Contrastive Study of Vocatives Between English and Chinese,《重庆外语教学与研究》。
9. 2001年,基于互连网的英语学习环境研究,《西南师范大学学报》。
10.1996年,用Visual Basic实现的计算机辅助英语教学系统,《电脑》(中国软件行业协会会刊)(第二作者).
Chen Yan, associate professor, is mainly dedicated to basic English language teaching. She graduated from Southwest Normal University and obtained her master degree in 2008. During her teaching, she gave such courses as College English, English Pronunciation, Oral English, Comprehensive English, Advanced English, English Listening. In 2007, she attended English Teacher Training Program provided by York University in Canada. During September, 2013 and August, 2014, she studied as a visiting scholar in Texas A&M University in the United States of America. She has published a number of research papers concerning English language teaching and learning, among which are:
1. A Survey Study: The Correlation between Introversion/Extroversion and Oral English Learning in Journal of Language Teaching and Research in 2015;
2. Strategies of Developing Pre-service English Teachers’ Capability of Integrating ICT into Course Teaching in Foreign Language World in 2014;
3. An Exploratory Study of Employing Blogs as a Platform for English Learning Beyond the Classroom in 12nd International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), which was indexed by EI in 2014;
4. Integration of ICTs into Subject Teaching in Pre-service English Teacher Education,11th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET),which was indexed by EI in 2012.