李政,副教授,硕士导师,奥克兰大学教育心理学博士。主要研究兴趣为外语教学中的社会情感因素,如教师期望,学习者交际意愿, 课堂情感氛围等。主要研究方法为量化研究。曾在Language Teaching Research, Studies in Higher Education等SSCI期刊发表多篇文章, 参与多个省部级项目。
联系方式:15922991315, tinali@swu.edu.cn
Zheng Li, Associate Professor, obtained her PhD degree in Educational Psychology for the University of Auckland. The major research interests of Li are psychosocial variables in EFL teaching and learning, such as teacher expectations, L2 willingness to communicate, and classroom socioemotional climate. Her primary research methodology is quantitative methods. Dr. Li has actively and widely published on international SSCI journals, e.g., Language Teaching Research, Studies in Higher Education, etc.
Mobile: 15922991315
Email: tinali@swu.edu.cn