伍小琴, 女, 新南威尔士大学博士, 西南大学外国语学院讲师, 主要研究方向为系统功能语言学、多模态研究和批评话语分析。担任国际核心期刊Visual Communication顾问编委, 悉尼大学系统功能语言学博士论坛荣誉博士导师。担任国际核心期刊Organization Studies, Journal of Pragmatics,Text & Talk, Visual Communication, Language and Semiotic Studies, Multimodality & Society匿名审稿人。在New Media & Society, Journal of Pragmatics, Journalism, Text &Talk, Visual Communication, International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, Multimodality & Society,《北京科技大学学报》等国内外核心期刊发表论文10余篇, 在国际著名出版社Routledge发表专著1部和编著1部, 参与编著3部, 主编教材1部, 主持教育部项目1项、中央高校项目1项、西南大学教改项目1项, 主研教育部项目、省级项目、校级项目共4项。邮箱:xiaoqinwu415@gmail.com
●2018.09-2022.06 哲学博士新南威尔士大学
●2014.09-2017.07 文学硕士西南大学
●2010.09- 2014.07 文学学士西南大学
● 2022.09-至今讲师,外国语学院,西南大学
负责课程:英语学术写作, 英语写作B,英语写作教学与研究, 系统功能语言学
●协助硕士导师: 协助刘承宇教授指导4名研究生(指导4名研究生发表SSCI/AHCI书评)
●本科毕业论文导师: 指导论文获得2023/2024年校级优秀本科毕业论文一等奖和二等奖
1.主持: 教育数字化背景下高校外语空间教学建构机制和效果路径研究(教育部人文社科研究青年项目西部项目),2024.09-2027.06, 8万, 项目编号:24XJC740007.
3.主持:基于智慧教育理念的大学英语教学空间有效运用探索与实践(西南大学教改项目), 2023.06.-2025.06, 1.5万, 2023JY081.
4.主研(排名第5): 中国新能源话语的多模态叙事策略和国际传播优化研究(教育部人文社科研究青年项目),2024.09-2027.06, 8万, 项目编号: 24YJC740021.
5.主研(排名第3): 广东新能源汽车企业多模态生态叙事的国际传播机制优化研究 (广东省人文社科项目青年项目),2024.05-2027.06, 2万, GD24YWY05.
6.主研(排名第2): 中国企业创新话语的多模态叙事策略与国际传播效果研究(广东外语外贸大学引进人才科研启动项目), 2023.09-2026.07,10万, 2023RC037.
7.主研(排名第5): 基于师范专业认证的英语专业课程内容综合化改革研究(西南大学教改项目),2024.05-2026.05,1.5万, 2024JY088.
15.Ravelli, L. Diamantopoulou, S,Blunden, J. &Wu, X.Q.(2026).(EDS).Museum Communication in the 21stCentury: Diversifying Voices, Practices and Reach. London & NewYork:Routledge.
14.Wu, X. Q.(2025).A Multimodal Framework of Pedagogic Practices in Space.London & New York:Routledge.
13.Wu, X. Q.(2024).Embodied movement asa stratified semiotic mode: How movement, gaze and speech mean together in the classroom.Text & Talk(SSCI & AHCI), doi: 101.1515/text-2023-0164.
12.Wu, X.Q.(2024). Rhythmas an integration principleformodelingspeech-action intersemiosis in classroom interaction: A social semiotic perspective.Language Sciences(SSCI & AHCI).
11.Wu, X.Q.(2024).Spatial pedagogy:Exploringsemioticfunctions of one teacher’s movement in an “Active Learning Classroom”.Semiotica(SSCI & AHCI).
9.Jian, Y. T. & Wu, X. Q. (2024).News Across Five Continents: Newspaper Language in The Context of Regional and Functional Variation. Journalism(SSCI),25(4), 980-983.
8.Wu, X. Q. &Jian, Y. T.(2023). Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis.New Media & Society(SSCI & AHCI),25(10),2822-2824.
7.Wu, X. Q. & Liu, Y. T.(2023).Designing Learning for Multimodal Literacy: Teaching Viewing and Representing.Journalof Pragmatics(SSCI & AHCI),213, 1-3.
6.Wu, X. Q. (2023).Modelling Para-language Using Systemic-Functional Semiotics: Theory and Application.Visual Communication(SSCI& ERIH PLUS),doi:14703572231152667.
5.Wu, X.Q. &Qiu,S. Y.(2023).Discourse and Diversionary Justice: An Analysis of Youth Justice Conferencing. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law(SSCI),30(2), 332-336.
4.Wu, X. Q. & Ravelli, L. (2022). Introducing Spatial Discourse Analysis: A multimodal case study of a university library in mainland China. In Z. H. Wang & P. Wang (eds),Appliable Research of Linguistics(Yuyanxue Shiyong Yanjiu).Beijing:Peking University Press.
3.Wu, X. Q. & Ravelli, L. (2022). The mediatory role of whiteboards in the making of multimodal texts: implications of the transduction of speech to writing for the English classroom in tertiary settings. In S. Diamantopoulou & S. Orevik (eds),Multimodality in English Language Learning(pp.161-175).London:Routledge.
2.Ravelli, L. & Wu, X. Q. (2022). History, materiality and social practice: Spatial discourse analysis of a contemporary art museum in China.Multimodality & Society,2(4), 333-354.
1.刘承宇&伍小琴.(2016).现代汉语语气词意义主观性的主体差异:以《雷雨》为例.《北京科技大学学报》(社会科学版),32(6), 5-11.
25.2023.04.25 郑州大学, 外语创新发展人才博士后论坛系列活动暨青年博士论坛, 中国
个人论文汇报: SSCI论文撰写与投稿经验分享: 青年教师发表路径规划
个人论文报告: Modeling rhythm as a multifaceted construct: A social semiotic understanding of rhythm in space.
合作论文报告(和Louise Ravelli): Resemiotizing social practice: A social-semiotic perspective on museum communication.
合作论文报告(和Louise Ravelli): The mediatory role of whiteboards in the making of multimodal texts: implications of the transduction of speech to writing for the English classroom in tertiary settings
21. 2021.10.15悉尼大学,系统功能语言学系列讲座,澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Articulating social discourse and enacting spatial pedagogy: A multifaceted understanding of rhythm in Space
合作论文报告(和Louise Ravelli): Space as a communicative text: A systemic-functional semiotic analysis of a university library in Mainland China
19.2024.07.01-05 新南威尔士大学, 第49届国际系统功能语言学会议, 澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Multimodal transcription from a social semiotic perspective: Examining tertiary classroom interaction
18.2024.07.01-05 新南威尔士大学, 第49届国际系统功能语言学会议, 澳大利亚
合作论文报告(和简雨婷): How do news value affect national identity construction? Corpus-assisted discourse analysis of news reports on China’s investment in Africa
17.2024.05.25-26广东外语外贸大学, 第六届全国学科英语研究学术研讨会, 中国
合作论文报告(和何宇菲):Space, technology and pedagogy: Towards a critical spatial pedagogy of classroom design and performance
16.2023.09.27-29, 伦敦大学, 第11届国际多模态会议, 英国
个人论文报告:Are "Active Learning Classrooms" really active? A multimodal critical investigation of classroom design and performance in an Australian context
15.2022.09.22-25 2022澳大利亚系统功能语言学年会,麦考瑞大学, 澳大利亚
合作论文报告(和LouiseRavelli):A social semiotic perspective on art museums in China: Resemiotization and meaning-making.
14.2022.07.25- 7.28, 深圳大学, 第47届国际系统功能语言学会议,中国
合作论文报告(和何宇菲, 许庆欣):Communicating innovation: Tracking the multimodal construction of novel products in I-phone launches.
13.2021.12.06 -- 2021.12.10 2021新南威尔士大学艺术与人文学科研究年会,澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Modeling movement as a semiotic mode: A social semiotic approach to one teacher’s movement in an “Active Learning Classroom”
12.2021.09.28-10.01 2021澳大利亚系统功能语言学年会,昆士兰大学,澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Movement as a motivated choice: Exploring the textual function of a teacher’s movement in an “Active Learning Classroom”
11.2021.09.15-09.17 2021欧洲系统功能语言学年会, 谢菲尔德大学, 英国
个人论文报告: Articulating social discourse: A multifaceted understanding of rhythm
10.2021.09.15-09.17 2021欧洲系统功能语言学年会, 谢菲尔德大学, 英国
合作论文报告(和Dianna Kreemers):Public disrespect or private crime? Multimodal representations of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Australia
9. 2020.09.16-17 2020新南威尔士大学艺术与人文学科研究年会, 澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Beyond instantiation: Movement as a transformative engagement in classroom
8.2019. 10.02-10.042019澳大利亚系统功能语言学年会,悉尼大学,澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Reading classroom: A social semiotic analysis of the “Active Learning Space”
7.2019.08.14 2019新南威尔士大学艺术与人文学科研究年会,澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Material spaces and social practices: A systemic-functional semiotic perspective on university settings and educational practices (session 2)
6.2023.02.10不来梅-格罗宁根在线多模式研讨会, 德国和荷兰
合作论文报告(和Louise Ravelli):Recontextualization from a diachronic perspective: Mapping textual movement and institutional consequence in Chinese museum exhibition
5.2021.08.16悉尼大学系统功能语言学博士论坛, 澳大利亚
个人论文报告:Modeling rhythm as spatial-temporal relations: A multifaceted understanding of rhythm in Space
4.2021.04.09不来梅-格罗宁根在线多模态研讨会, 德国和荷兰
个人论文报告:A trifunctional approach to a teacher’s movement in an “Active Learning Classroom”
3.2020.11.02悉尼大学系统功能语言学博士论坛, 澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Movements as pedagogic choices? Explorations of functions of a teacher’s movements in the “Active Learning Spaces”
2.2019.10.15悉尼大学系统功能语言学博士论坛, 澳大利亚
个人论文报告: The interpersonal lens: A social semiotic analysis of classroom activities in “Active Learning Spaces”
1.2019.03.12 悉尼大学系统功能语言学博士论坛, 澳大利亚
个人论文报告: Material spaces and social practices: A systemic-functional semiotic perspective on university settings and educational practices (session 1)
●主要成员(排名第4): 《英语写作B》重庆市2023年本科高校外语慕课联盟一流外语在线开放课程建设与应用项目, 重点项目
●主讲《英语写作B》课程融合《理解当代中国》公开课,接待教育部巡视, 课程获专题报道
●主讲《英语学术写作》公开课, 该课程提名西南大学校级优质课程
●主要成员(排名第2): 2023年教师教学创新大赛西南大学校级三等奖
●2023.07-至今 悉尼大学系统功能语言学荣誉博士导师
●2023.03-至今Visual Communication(SSCI)顾问编委
●2023.07-至今 Organization Studies, Journal of Pragmatics, Text & Talk, Language and Semiotic Studies, Multimodality & Society(SSCI, AHCI and/or SCOPUS)匿名审稿人
●2018.09-至今 国际系统功能语言学学会, 澳大利亚系统功能语言学学会, 国际多模态研究学会, 欧洲多模态研究学会, 成员
●2022.03 新南威尔士大学研究成果奖
●2014.09-2017.06西南大学研究生奖 一等奖
●系统功能语言学,多模态研究,话语分析, 博物馆研究,高等教育研究
●Microsoft, Excel, Elan, Praat, AntConc, Endnote, OneNote, SPSS, UAMCorpus