Wenshan Li graduated from the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Linguistic Sciences, University of Edinburgh, with a PhD in theoretical linguistics. Currently, he serves as a teacher of "Advanced English Reading", "English Grammar" and "Contemporary Chinese Linguistics". He mainly works on theoretical linguistics, specializing in syntax and semantics. His Research interests include semantic agreement, universal quantification, semantic undersepcification, and procedural syntactic properties of functional words.
His major publications are listed below.
1. Li, Wenshan 2021 The procedural syntax of fake modification constructions in Chinese, Canadian Journal of Linguistics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cnj.2020.36. (A& HCI)
2. 李文山、唐浩 2021 三种全称量化成分及全称量化表达共现,《世界汉语教学》第1期。(CSSCI) 。
3. Li, Wenshan and Jiang Liu 2020 The Dynamics of yes and no in and as context, Lingua (244) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lingua.2020.102874 (SSCI, A&HCI)
4. 李文山 2020 现代汉语界限词、“只”类词共现句的语义和句法, 《当代语言学》第4期(CSSCI)。
5. 李文山 2019 从词类问题再讨论看中国特色语言学的困局和出路,《中国语文法研究》2019年卷(日本中国语文法研究会会刊)。
6. Li,Wenshan 2016,A Unitary account of diverse shi constructions in Mandarin Chinese, Taiwan Journal of Linguistics 10.6519/TJL.2016.14(1).4(ESCI, THcore)
7. 2015,存在时间与表述时间,《清华大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),第2期。(CSSCI)
8. 2014,作为完整语义构建过程的句子--以"由"字句为例,《中国语文法研究》(日本),第三卷。
9. 2013,也论"都"的语义复杂性及其统一刻画,《世界汉语教学》,第3期。(CSSCI)
10. 2013,试论汉语存在句的两种语义特征,《清华大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),第6期(CSSCI).
11. 2013,定指话题句语义探微,《语言教学与研究》,第3期(CSSCI).
12. 2011,焦点敏感副词与"了2"同现的语义条件,《语言教学与研究》,第5期(CSSCI)。
13. 2007,句末助词"着呢"补谈,《语言教学与研究》,第5期(CSSCI)。
14. 2008,论现代汉语中的三个"还有"--兼论共时材料中的语法化,《汉语学习》,第5期(CSSCI)。